Cube New Releases - August 2022

With this month's release, you will be able to experience more new functionalities related to Home Section, as well as Modules such as Sales, Estimating and Engineering, Projects, Services, Human Resources, Inventory, Settings and Users.
Make the most of these new features and keep enjoying your Cube Edge platform!

Home Section

Here you´ll find the new module My Activities, designed to favor time management. See details: 

My Activity

A new module called My Activities is available for Sales activities.

My Activity-Grid View

My Activity-Calendar View

Sales Module

Here you'll find a new functionality related to  Sales Projects. See details: 

Sales Project

The functionality New Sales Project now has available the sections Sales Notes and Sales Comments.

Estimating and Engineering Module

You´ll be able to  interact with new functionalities related to  Estimates, Comissioning, Programmer and System Components. See details: 


The functionality Valve Management is now available on Add Parts and Labor Grid.


The control panel was reorganized and optimized on Commands and Manage options.

Programmer / Utility

The functionalities Column Chooser and Refresh have been added to the Commissioning grid.

The functionalities Update from Excel, Column Chooser and Refresh have been added to the Application Notes grid.

System components 

Delete Systems Types (only parents) functionality has been added.

The down tree in the New / Edit Menu now match with Master tree in System Components.

Projects Module

You´ll find  new functionalities related to the Edit Function and to the Task Management. See details:

Edit Project

The Title in the Edit Project, in addition to the Project Name, now will show the Project Number

Task Management

Card View Tasks functionality has been removed from the module.

 Service Module

We added new functionalities related to Service Work Orders and Service Contracts. See details:

Service Work Orders

The Time field is now available in the New Service Work Order form.

The Notes added to the Service Work Orders now can be reviewed on the main grid.

Service Contracts

Now we have Gantt Chart view in Service Contracts.

Now we have available Contract Baseline section in Edit Service Contracts.

Human Resources Module

You´ll find a new functionality related to Employee management. See details:


The Title and Region fields were added to Edit Employee.

Inventory Module

We´ve added new features to submodules related to Vendors and Material Request. See details:

Vendors and Material Request

The System Name will now have available the Service Work Order ID from where a Material Request is created.

Settings Module

We have focused on adding functionalities  to Utility Tables Submodule. See details:

Utility Tables

The Other Tax Name and Other Tax columns were added on Client Sales Tax section.


We have added a new functionality to Manage Users. See details:

Manage Users

The Configure Users feature in Manage User module will now have available the Save button to save the changes.

Well CUBE User,

Congratulations  for reading!

Wait for new features soon!

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Coming Soon!