We are pleased to introduce the newest features that CUBE has created for you during the month of April 2023. Our new features related to Modules such as: Engineering, Projects, Service, Inventory and Settings.

Engineering Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimates. See details bellow: 


Now when you double-click on the component you will find information regarding the component in Control drawing.

The option to generate templates in Edit Estimate is now available.

Import From Library

The loading of images in Import from Library is optimized.


You´ll find  a new functionality related to Reports. See details:


Reports 2310 and 2500 are now available in reports.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Service Work Orders. See details:

Service Work Orders

Now you can mark your completed work in the Work Completed field under New and Edit Service Details


You´ll find a new functionality related to Parts. See details:


We improved the way of assigning the Task Categories and Parts. Now you have them available in a single grid.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Utility Tables. See details:

Utility Tables

The option to configure the templates for Sales Projects, Service Work Orders and Project Billing are now available!


Thank you for being a loyal customer.

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