We are pleased to introduce the new features that CUBE created for you during the month of February 2023, related to Modules such as:Home, Engineering, Projects, Service and Inventory.

Home Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to My Time Sheet. See details: 

My Time Sheet

Now the Chooser and Refresh options are available in the grid of My Time Sheet.

Engineering Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimates, Import from Library. See details: 


In Reports tab, the visualization of the reports has been adjusted to full screen.

The name of the estimate is now available in the Import from Library dropdown menu.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Change Order and Open RFI. See details:


Mailing the Change Order is now possible.

Open RFI

Mailing the RFI is now possible.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Service Work Order and Service Sites. See details:

Service Work Order

The column City has been added in the Service Work Order grid.

The Completed On column in the Service Details accordion, inconsistency in the displayed date is corrected.

Now you can Notify the customer in Service Work Order.

Service Sites

In the Assets tab, you can see the Service History

Now is available Site Activity in the Service Sites.


You´ll find  a new functionality related to Material Request and Parts. See details:

Material Request

Now the Status and color of Material Request is updated automatically. 

The Cancel from Project functionality in the accordion Material Request now allows us to go to the previous screen.

Now, in the Change Status option, the Change to Void function has been enabled in the Material Request module.


The .dwg and .dxf extensions (which are from AutoCAD) were added in the valid documents
from the documents section of the Parts module and in the Engineering module. 

      Dear CUBE User,

Congratulations  for reading!

Wait for new features soon!

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