We are pleased to introduce the newest features that CUBE has created for you during the month of July 2023, upcoming and available on August 26, 2023. Our new features related to Modules such as: Home, Sales, Engineering, Projects, Services, Inventory and Settings.
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to My activity. See details bellow:
My Activity
Now you can reload the recent activities through the refresh option.
Time is now displayed in the Start Date field when creating or editing an activity in My Activity.
Sales Module
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Customers and Contacts. See details bellow:
Now you can see the Customer identifier.
Now you can see the Contacts identifier.
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimate and System Components. See details bellow:
The option to "Download excel" is now available in Network configuration of Edit Estimate.
The color of the Delete and Clone icons in Edit Estimate is changed.
System Components
Columns X and Y are now available in System Components Find and Replace.
Projects Module
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Edit Projects and Open RFI. See details bellow:
You can now expand or collapse the rows of the grid Task.
Now you can display the summary tasks in Edit Task.
The Financials Details section is now available in Edit Project Billing.
The option to change tax is now available when editing a Change Order in the Edit Project section.
Now it is allowed to add images in Progress Report.
Open RFI
You now have the option to send multiple emails through the Additional Contacts field in Edit Open RFI.
Services Module
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to PM Utility, Service Work Order and Service Sites. See details bellow:
PM Utility
You can now edit multiple Services Task in PM Utility.
Service Work Order
A new column for SWO Total is now available.
Service Sites
You now have the option to 'Select All' in 'Import From PM Task' in PM Task of Edit Service Site.
You can now edit multiple PM Tasks in the Assets section of Edit Service Sites.
Now in PM Task of Assets in Service Site you have the Import option.
Inventory Module
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Purchase Order, Parts and RMA. See details bellow:
Purchase Order
Now you can see the PO identifier.
Now you have Default Vendor available in the Associate with Vendors grid.
Now in the Inv Number for Credit field alphanumeric format is allowed in RMA.
Settings Module
Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Utility Tables. See details bellow:
Utility Tables
The Credit Terms option is now available in Service Advanced Settings of Utility Tables in Company Settings.