We are pleased to introduce the new features that CUBE created for you during the month of February 2023, related to Modules such as: Sales, Engineering,  Projects, Service, Inventory and Users.

Sales Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Sales Leads, Sales Project and Customers. See details: 

Sales Leads

The name of the section that refers to Customer Contacts is now called Customer Contacts Relationship.

Sales Project

Link is created to navigate to the customer from Who requests this price.

Now in the Site name field it is indicated if the Site is for Sales or Service.


The Activity Type can now be edited from the New Activity modal.

Engineering Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimates and System Components. See details: 


The order of the areas will be done according to the order of creation in the Price Summary list.

We added the Master group to the list of options when assigning an image to a component in Control Drawing.

System Components

We improved the option to search for Components in the Component SVG image of System Components.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Projects and Task. See details:


Now in the Projects grid it is available to filter by AIA Billing.


The Save and Edit from Task functionality will take you to the editing screen.

Now you can filter by Resources in a more agile way from 2 weeks Schedule.

Now the services or tasks with the Call ahead criteria can be identified with a color in the 2 Week Schedule.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Service Work Order. See details:

Service Work Order

The Completed On field is now available in the Service Work Order Template III report.


You´ll find  a new functionality related to Inventory and Parts. See details:


The Location ID field of the Inventory On Hand grid was removed.


We added the Close Off Pressure field to the Control Properties in the Part section.


You´ll find  a new functionality related to Users. See details:

Manage Users

You now have the option to create a New Group from Configuration Navigation and Configure Reports  functionalities in Manage Users.


Thank you for being a loyal customer.

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