We are pleased to introduce the newest features that CUBE has created for you during the month of May 2023. Our new features related to Modules such as: Sales, Engineering, Projects, Inventory and Settings.

Sales Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Customer. See details bellow: 


The "Customer Number" in Customer is now available.

Engineering Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimates and System Components. See details bellow: 


The option to set the "Part Cost" of several items to 0 is now available from the Edit Multiple of Labor Summary.

Now the Alternate option is available when creating or editing an Estimate area.

The option to "Import Scope of Work" in Scope of Work is now available.

The option to update the "Tag" on the system is available. 

System Components

The option to edit  Scope of Work to  multiple components is now available. 


You´ll find  a new functionality related to RFI and Projects. See details:


Now when sending an email to RFI, it will send a copy of the email to the contact assigned in Created By.


Now you have to add Sort when you create or Edit a Summary Task.

The option  to "Import Summary Task from Memorized Task" in Task is now available.

The option to select the Customer send the Edit Change Order by mail is now available.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Part. See details:


The "Part Kits" section is now available in Edit Part.


You´ll find a new functionality related to Utility Tables. See details:

Utility Tables

The document display according to the restrictions specified in the Advanced Settings is now available.


Thank you for being a loyal customer.

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