We are pleased to introduce the new features that CUBE created for you during the month of November 2022, related to Modules such as: Sales, Estimating and Engineering, Projects, Service and Inventory.

Sales Module

Here you´ll find the new features related to Sales Sites. See details: 

Sales Sites

The Sales Sites submodule is now available..

Estimating and Engineering Module

Here you'll find the new functionalities related to Estimates, Utility and Settings and System Components. See details: 


In Estimates main grid, the Column Chooser and Refresh button options are now available.

On Edit Multiple (Find and Replace functionality) the Qty factor has been added.

The Alarm and Refresh buttons on Parts Details have been added.

The Report 9530-Project Bill Of Materials on Report is now available.

Utility and Settings

The Productivity column has been edited and now shows the Productivity Surcharge %.

System Components

The structure of the System Components tree is preserved after changes are made.

Now the area/system can be assigned  when adding a new component.

The column Part Cost has been added to the Bill Of Materials of the System Components.


You´ll find new functionalities related to Task Management. See details:

Task Management

On Calendar View, the refresh button has been added.

The Schedule Date and Time now can be edited on the Calendar View .


You´ll find a new functionality related to Service Site. See details:

Service Site

A link to go from Service Site to Customer has been added.


You´ll find  a new functionality related to RMA. See details:


The Notes and Created by fields are now available on RMA information.

Dear CUBE User,

Congratulations  for reading!

Wait for new features soon!

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